Before you watch the videos below …
Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it (Colossians 2:15 NKJV).
An ancient spiritual battle continues behind the reality of the Corona Virus. We must identify the enemy, and then call upon the authority of God.
Walk not in fear, but rather in wisdom, discernment, and yes, love. Love for God. Love for our neighbors. We are even to love enemies of His Name—hard as it seems—and pray for those who despitefully use us and persecute us.
If we fight God’s way, the battle remains the Lord’s. Our part is to know our help comes from Him. That releases us to walk with clean hearts and pure hands.
Use this time wisely. Go before the Lord and allow Him to remove anything that causes you to stumble. God saves. God restores. God transforms us into the image of Christ.
Walk with humility in His truth. Read His Word. Let His Spirit minister to your spirit. He will lead you to tears as you are gently moved to repentance, as He forms His image within. Team up with believers in corporate prayer. Don’t go it alone.
Remember, Jesus is the Name above ALL names. As you listen and watch, His blood will pour over you in protection and care.
Pray to God for His wisdom, discernment and spiritual fortitude. He says be courageous and fear not. Press on in the full armor of God. He is our Strength.
Evil has now been uncovered and exposed. Our part is to keep our eyes firmly focused on God and the task at hand: Fulfill the Great Commission and make disciples. In Jesus Name, be blessed.